Hello all,
I've never been a Tolkien fan, but lately my mind has been drifting to "The Lord Of The Rings" for some reason. During the whole time he was writing the book, Tolkien intended it to end with all being lost. Before turning in the final draft of "Lord Of The Rings", he lost his nerve and made a last minute rewrite for the conclusion. He was too cynical to replace his intended apocalypse ending with a straight up "happily ever after", so he came up with a subtly different kind of conclusion for the story, which he called a "eucatastrophe" Tolkien's definition of the term is "the sudden joyous turn, not an ending, but the moment we get a glimpse of joy. A moment that passes outside the frame rends indeed the very web of story and lets a gleam come through, a gleam of revelation from outside the narrative."
I like this as it applies to this weird moment in history. I'd like to think we will see some extraordinary curve balls come out if this. It's like Daniel Johnston said about his certainty that true love will find you in the end - "this is a promise with a catch. Only if you're looking can it find you." Eucatastrophe sounds like a good goal to work towards, but to get it you got to keep an eye out for it. Here at Mississippi, we are chugging along. We've been laying the groundwork for lots of things to come out soon - everything from an MTV type music video TV station (really), to a podcast to new soul comp LP's on the Cairo Record label to Sun Ra snow globes to a "best of the Mississippi Records tape series" on record. I won't lie - some days are easy and some days it's impossible to get out of bed. But, it all feels worth doing in the end.
Today's newsletter has a new chapter in the "Record Store Memories" series about Mississippi label owner Gordon Ashworth stumbling from the demon arms of Slayer into the holy fried sounds of Miles Davis. We also have an interview with some of Mississippi Records favorite contemporary musicians, psychedelic Cumbia band Savila, as well as a link to their new film.
Keep your eyes pealed. Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter.
There is a crack in everything - that's how the light gets in, Eric
Mississippi Records Newsletter Volume Six- May 11, 2020 |
Table of Contents: I. Mothership Connection: Savila & Their Moms Make A Movie In The Desert II. Record Store Stories- Volume 4
Mississippi YouTube Mixes Because we have lost the luxury of DJing records in my record shop for a captive audience all day, we are now creating daily "youtube mixes" - 10 songs a day as long as this shut in continues https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt2giAvNmgcm-wnnCIlcmXA/playlists?view_as=subscriber
Mississippi Records is still buying record collections in Portland! We are being selective, but our retail store is buying record collections during this pandemic. You can expect to receive 60% of the retail value of your records, but - keep in mind that's based on our retail shops usual cheap prices, not inflated internet prices. We are only buying in the Portland area and can do pickups. Happy to help you out with cash in this tough time - but please bare in mind we are bing selective on what we buy. If you are interested in selling, email -[email protected]
Mississippi Store Gift Certificates Support the shop while we're closed with gift certificates by mail.
Here's how it works: If you paypal, please include an address for us to send the gift certificate to. No need to specify what bonus prize you want until you come to the shop. Same if you mail us a check (Mississippi Records 5202 N Albina Ave Portland OR, 97217). You will only get the gift certificate by mail. Once we are re-opened, you can come in to redeem it for records and collect your bonus prizes. Gift certificates cannot be spent on our discogs store, website or bandcamp. (AND THANKS TO ALL WHO ALREADY PURCHASED THESE!)
Gift Cards Amount | Gift Card $20.00 USDGift Card $50.00 USDGift Card $100.00 USDGift Card $200.00 USDGift Card $300.00 USDGift Card $400.00 USDGift Card $500.00 USD |
Mississippi Records Website Flat $5 shipping no matter how much you order!Visit the site to get our label's records and tapes direct from us - we are constantly rotating our selection of mixtapes and discounted out-of-print records, so be sure to check in often! Coming soon - a brand new Cairo soul compilation, Brother Theotis Taylor, some secret warehouse stash of "Freedom For The Stallion", new tapes and much more! We will continue to ship packages on a weekly basis as long as it's safe to do so & get em out to you as soon as we can.www.mississippirecords.net
Temporary Mississippi Discogs We'll be adding at least 75 records to the site weekly. This online store will disappear the minute this pandemic is over. https://www.discogs.com/seller/mississippi-records/profile
Mississippi Records Bandcamp There are hours and hours worth of albums available for free listening, and a whole lot of the releases are "pay what you want" if you want to download em. Check it out - https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/
Mississippi Home Stereo (Retail and Repair) Mississippi's home stereo shop is now operational though in a smaller capacity. we can still provide affordable stereo equipment and full systems, basic replacement parts (needles, belts, etc.), and tech support by direct communication. We are maintaining limited hours at the shop on Wednesday and Sunday from 1-5pm for pick up/drop off only, and are available by email most any time. Please don't hesitate to reach out for technical support, trouble shooting, or equipment questions. Music is life essential!, we're here to help you stay in tune and vitalized by supporting your ability to experience it. Please reach us here - [email protected]gmail.com
Mississippi Records CSR Our Community Supported Records program directly supports the label. Get each Mississippi LP at a discount as it's released, no matter how limited, plus special schwag and gifts on occasion. Limited to 300 spots. The CSR contributions help us pay for record pressings and generally stay afloat. More details here: https://sites.google.com/site/mississippicsr/
Toody Cole / Junkstore Cowboy Toody Cole will be shuttering her Junkstore Cowboy Shop in our basement until the record shop reopens, but that does not mean you can't get your Dead Moon / Pierced Arrows / Rats / Range Rats / Tombstone schwag and records still from her badass online store. Dead Moon shirts look just as good on you around the house as out in the world - https://www.deadmoonusa.com/
Mississippi Records Special Products Division Alice Coltrane For President and Mississippi Wreckers T shirts and tote bags! Post cards! Posters! Coozies! Oddities! Check us out weekly for new additions. www.mississippiwreckers.com
3231 S Halsted #197 Chicago IL 60640 United States of America